Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Early Easter: Late Spring Arrival
In the past few weeks, I have been willing Spring to come our way. We've had spurts of warm yet breezy weather over the last few days -- including my wonderful birthday / early Easter weekend -- but it seems as if winter weather may be rearing it's head again. So while it may be turning frigid again for the moment outdoors, it's still springtime inside my home with beautiful ranunculus and hyacinths.
Monday, April 1, 2013
2013 Color of the Year: Emerald
Green has always been one of my favorite hues. The liveliness it brings to interior and outdoor spaces, and fashion is something that I crave. Thus, I was incredibly excited when Pantone announced that Emerald was the color of the year for 2013. Now, people across the blogosphere have been blogging about this since the announcement late last year - I actually started pulling items for this post in early 2013. But, with the cold weather, I just wasn't inspired to complete the effort. With Spring just now starting to pop through the cold spells, and bring life back to my dark and cold world, I've been inspired to revive this post. Enjoy!
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Birthday Reflections
I often wonder if I'm alone in cherishing my birthday as much as I do. Everyone enjoys attention and gifts, but it's much less a about that for me. Each year, I take time to reflect on how blessed I am to be here in this world and how much I appreciate my life and my family. It's become even more poignant with the loss of my grandfather this year. Yesterday was a milestone birthday for a couple reasons -- not only my age -- it was the first year I did not hear "Happy Birthday, Baby!" live from my grandfather's voice. I do, however, continue to replay it in my head. And, that, along with all the other blessings God has bestowed on me -- great husband, cute dog, supportive family -- has made this the best birthday yet. I'm growing, and I love it.
All the best!